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Time and attention are the 2 most valuable assets humans own. I will give you a high return on both of them.

I only send valuable and practical information. No spam or unnecessary garbage.

Thank you for entrusting HabitStack with your email. I am forever grateful.

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The LevelUp Concept

My goal at LevelUp is to provide as much of a “personal training” experience as possible while being in a group setting. I offer strength-based and cardio-based group personal training classes and yoga. 

The strength-based classes will be maxed at 12 people to allow for 1 on 1 coaching when necessary. Like a small classroom in school, 12 person classes are more personal and engaging. Cardio-based and yoga classes will not have a max since less coaching is required. 


The strength-based class will build muscle and increase your strength while simultaneously improving your cardio. This is a true full-body workout and covers the basics of your fitness. 


Trying to build strength? I designed this class to progressively increase your strength by focusing on lifting challenging weights. 

Trying to build muscle? By focusing on lifting heavy weights, an increase in muscle will happen by default.

Trying to lose weight? While you won't burn as many calories during a strength training workout as you would with cardio, the magic happens in the hours that follow. To build muscle, muscle needs to be torn and broken down. It needs to be challenged so it can adapt. Your body uses energy, aka burns calories, when repairing the damaged muscles and builds it up a little stronger. That process happens in the hours following the workout. This means you are burning calories even after the workout is over, something that does not happen after a cardio workout. Paired with the right diet and you have an excellent recipe for weight loss.

While the strength-based class is my brainchild and holds a special place in my heart, my cardio-based class is sure to kick your butt. While there are some strength-focused exercises in this class, the priority is getting and keeping your heart rate up and burning as many calories as possible. Paired with the right diet and you will lose weight and improve your heart and brain health. 


While we do a full-body stretch at the end of the group classes, our yoga sessions will take your flexibility to the next level. Pair yoga with our group classes to cover the full spectrum of your fitness. 


Our HIIT instructors? Think of them as personal trainers who guide you throughout, fine-tuning your form and tailoring exercises based on your needs. It's a group session, but with a personal touch.

Consider the costs of personal training at mainstream gyms; they can skyrocket between $200-600 for just 1-3 weekly sessions of 30 to 60 minutes. Now, contrast that with our offering: at $150/month, you gain unlimited access to not just HIIT and yoga, but also amenities like the sauna, cold plunge, and invaluable insights from our trainers. But it's not just about the facilities – it's about belonging to a tribe of individuals who resonate with your goals and challenges. Our team isn't just about business; they genuinely care about your progress and are eager to hear your feedback. The value you derive from your $150/month investment will be significant. Drop the redundant gym subscriptions and choose us. We promise transparency – a monthly fee of $150 (plus tax, because well, we aren't based in Delaware) without any hidden costs or long-term commitments.

When you lift weights, you're essentially signaling to your muscles the need for strength. This exertion induces microtears in the muscle tissues. And it's these very tears, when healed, that lead to muscle growth, making subsequent weightlifting sessions easier. It's all about adaptation; challenge a muscle, and watch it evolve in strength."

Healthy Habits Cheat Sheet

 Each blog post represents an important pillar of health and wellness.


Inside, you will find simple habits and tips to improve each pillar. 

Start with 1-3 at a time and master them. Then stack 1-3 more, and so on. Eventually, they will become programmed into your brain and you will do them with little effort. 

This is habit stacking. And this is our vision to create long lasting health and wellness built on strong, long lasting habits.  

Audio Versions of these blog posts are on my Youtube Channel!

What I Offer

A healthy lifestyle is comprised of many small, healthy habits; an unhealthy lifestyle is a combination of small, unhealthy ones. Forming new, positive habits is hard and takes time, but those small changes and habits compound over time and will result in a better, healthier you. It certainly isn't an easy journey, but the life you want is on the other side of hard, not easy.

This is a program made to be temporary but create permanent results. I don’t want you to be a lifelong customer. The plan is to help you build good habits now so you can effortlessly continue them on your own for the rest of your life. I help you help yourself. You will learn to enjoy the journey and stick to it when nobody else is watching. Habit Stack is a long term investment in yourself, and one you will not regret. 

Behaviors are actions. Habits are consistent behaviors. Lifestyle = many habits 

Change your behaviors
Change your habits
Change your lifestyle
Change you

If you are passionate about wellness and looking for guidance on where and how to start, this is for you.

Two-Tier Approach:

First Grade: Building a Strong Foundation (Mental)

  • Habit Stacking: I help you build healthy habits one step at a time, setting the stage for lasting progress by achieving small victories that leave you wanting more. 

  • Together, we will identify behaviors/habits pulling you away from your wellness goals.


What You Get

  • Consultation: We discuss your goals, current behaviors/habits/lifestyle, and what you want out of this program.

    • This answers the question, why am I doing this?​

  • A habit formation plan that walks you through the process of stacking positive habits, one habit at a time.​

    • This answers the question, where do I start?​

  • Reasoning behind why these new habits will help you achieve your wellness goals and blossom into your best self.

    • This inspires trust in the process and reveals a path to achieving your wellness goals. 

  • Support every step of the way. 


Second Grade: Building the House (Physical)

  • After mastering your foundational habits, you graduate to second grade. 

  • Once you master your mind, you can start mastering your body. This opens up endless possibilities for present and future you. 

  • This is where the bulk of your physical transformations will come.

  • Building the house is significantly easier after building a strong foundation.


What You Get

  • Personalized meal plan and dietary advice including tips for eating out.

  • Tailored exercise plan for your lifestyle.

  • Practical wellness and lifestyle insights. **

  • Community of like-minded individuals. **

  • Wellness tips for your canine friend. **

  • Direct support from our team. **

  • Knowledge and wisdom to guide you on this lifelong journey. **

  • A new and updated you. **


** = Included with both First and Second Grade


Invest in Yourself: What it will cost you.

  • You start with a 2-week free trial.

  • After 2 weeks, you can continue for $525/month, and cancel anytime.

  • If you are not completely satisfied with our service, we will refund your most recent payment in full.

  • This also costs you time and attention.

    • Shifting to a healthy lifestyle is not easy in the beginning, but nothing good comes easy.

    • Deprogramming bad habits and programming in good ones takes time, attention, and discipline.

    • HabitStack makes it significantly easier, but ultimately your desire to improve needs to be stronger than your desire to remain the same.  

There are limited spots available. If you've been toying with the idea of beginning your wellness journey, this is your sign to do so. Invest in yourself, future you will thank you.

Guaranteed Transformation: If you fully commit, our program guarantees positive changes in all areas of your life.

If the program doesn't sound like a good fit but you still have the desire to improve your health and wellness, the blog posts or my social media accounts have tons of habits and tips that will put you on the right path, all completely free. Best of luck on your wellness journey and please share with anyone that needs it!

"The quality of your life often depends on the quality of your habits."

James Clear

Author of "Atomic Habits"


Stack Good Habits

Get tips on all things wellness.

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Healthy Habits Cheat Sheet (Blog Posts) by Shawn Hills


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